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Dothead- Poems
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Dothead- Poems
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A captivating, no-holds-barred collection of new poems from an acclaimed poet and novelist with a fierce and original voice
Dothead is an exploration of selfhood both intense and exhilarating. Within the first pages, Amit Majmudar asserts the claims of both the self and the other: the title poem shows us the place of an Indian American teenager in the bland surround of a mostly white peer group, partaking of imagery from the poet’s Hindu tradition; the very next poem is a fanciful autobiography, relying for its imagery on the religious tradition of Islam. From poems about the treatment at the airport of people who look like Majmudar (“my dark unshaven brothers / whose names overlap with the crazies and God fiends”) to a long, freewheeling abecedarian poem about Adam and Eve and the discovery of oral sex, Dothead is a profoundly satisfying cultural critique and a thrilling experiment in language. United across a wide range of tones and forms, the poems inhabit and explode multiple perspectives, finding beauty in every one.
- 作者: Majmudar, Amit
- 原文出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc
- 出版日期:2018/03/20 台中水晶專賣店
- 語言:英文
Dothead- Poems